Super Smash Bros Ultimate Demo Arriving at Best Buy, Possibly this Week

Super Smash Bros fans who didn’t have the opportunity to get their hands on the prerelease demo during its convention run this summer will have the opportunity to very soon, as Best Buy retailers will be receiving demos for the highly anticipated title as soon as this week.

Twitter user @ChaseJ_T posted a tweet yesterday containing a picture of a Best Buy Nintendo Switch demo kiosk, in which the screen prominently displayed the box art of Super Smash Bros Ultimate and the tag “Demo” below it.

The retailers official twitter account soon replied to the original tweet, confirming the hypothesis laid out. Unfortunately, no set date was released by the account, only replying to one Twitter user saying “Check with your local store as the best source for the latest updates”.

To find your local Best Buy store and to possible find a date when said store will receive the demo update, visit Best Buy’s official website. For more Super Smash Bros Ultimate coverage, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @BonusAccessory.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC Line-Up Complete, Confirms Director

It looks like Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros team is further along that many anticipated with the DLC plans for their upcoming entry, Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

Last night, series director Masahiro Sakurai released a series of tweets (in English as well, which isn’t common for him to do) confirming that the DLC line-up for the acclaimed fighting series has been completed, and will be developed entirely in-house by Nintendo. Sakurai stated “Super Smash Bros Ultimate’s DLC line-up is now complete. This time the selection was made entirely by Nintendo. I decided if we can create a fighter based on their selection, then come up with a plan.”

While as positive as this news is, Sakurai asked fans to refrain from flooding his thread with suggestions on characters (a request which I feel will fall upon deaf ears unfortunately). “It’s great to dream about your favorite character joining the battle and I appreciate your passion, but please try to stay on topic when replying to tweets and refrain from flooding us, and other users, with requests when we’re not specifically asking for feedback. Thank you!”


While DLC may still be a few months off, fans won’t have to wait long to get their hands on the full game, which drops a month from today, on December 7th, 2018. For more updates as this story progresses, please follow us on Twitter @BonusAccessory.

Rumor: Nintendo Switch Support and Feedback Added to YouTube Page, App Incoming this Week?

Building off of yesterday’s post regarding a possible Nintendo Direct for this coming Thursday, November 8th, there seems to be more smoke emanating from the metaphorical fire in terms of possible confirmation.

As first reported by NintendoWorldReport last night, on YouTube’s feedback page, the Nintendo Switch is now listed as a compatible device for viewing YouTube. Sources close with the site have identified this Thursday as a probable date. Both YouTube and Nintendo have yet to confirm this date yet.

Normally, when official outlets have “leaks” like this happen, it’s only a matter of time until the rumor becomes factual. In this case, it’s almost a complete no-brainer for the largest content digital distributor in the world to create a Switch port of their app. Many argue this is long overdue, along with the mega-ton media juggernaut that is Netflix. Both media outlets have been long rumored to make their appearance on the system, with Netflix even being rumored to be at the “ready to go” stage in terms of release for a Switch specific app.

None the less, this adds more credence to the probability of a Nintendo Direct being imminent. Normally, Nintendo releases a press statement and social media blast about 36-48 hours in advance of a Direct, to give media and consumers ample time to make themselves available for the event.

For more updates on the possibility of a Nintendo Direct this week, make sure to follow Bonus Accessory on Twitter @BonusAccessory, along with my personal account @travless16.